Tag Archives: Lake Michigan

5th Annual Carnival of Genealogy Swimsuit Edition! Pictures from the 1930’s check out those suites!

The topic for the July edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is The 5th Annual Swimsuit Edition! 



Well I hunted and I hunted and I hunted for more recent swim suit pictures in my albums and these were the only ones I could find. Okay, I confess,  so I didn’t look all that hard! I am not so willing to share my flesh with ya all ! So I have decide to show you a few photos of folks unknown in bodies of water unknown.

These photos were in family photos, so I am guessing they are either cousins or aunts and uncles (my grandparents would NEVER, hee hee hee the more I look at it, it just might be Nana and Grandpa)! The family from which these photos came from lived by water in a few places. This could be one of the great lakes, especially likely would  be Lake Michigan or Lake Erie. There was family in California and Florida too. Could be the Atlantic or the Pacific Oceans or the Gulf.  Where ever it is looks like they are having fun and staying cool.

Lone bather (wader?) having fun can’t tell who it is, again probably in one of those places listed above.
Time period I am guessing is in the 1920’s or 1930’s .

Last but surely not least one last bather. Looks like it might be a young woman and the same one as in the previous photo.  I wish it was a bit clearer, but this one seems to have a double exposure.

Where is your favorite watering hole?  Here in Michigan you have your pick, never have to go to awful far to find water.  Have a safe and wonderful summer as you enjoy the water!

Happy Hunting!