Tag Archives: Ohio

Military Monday- ***** Stars

back row: Nana, Grandpa Mac, Uncle Tom
middle row: Grandpa T, Uncle Chester, Uncle Butler, Uncle Harold, Uncle Milton
front row: Mom, Grandma T, Auntie Peg, Trish and I



Here it is Military Monday and I just happen to have a photo to share!

This photo was taken in 1967 at Easter time. It was taken on the steps of Old South Church, Kirtland Ohio.

Grandma, front center behind the cutie in the red coat (yeah it’s me) at one time had five stars in the bay window on the front of her house, just down the street from this church.
You will find three of the stars in the photo, my Uncles Butler, Chester and Milton. My Uncle Tom  who is also pictured next to his father “Grandpa Mac” was in uniform for a season. The other two stars that were on my grandmothers window are my Aunt Karin (wife of Butler) and Uncle Bob.

From those five stars, nine of my cousins have also served this country in the uniform of their choice. My Love and Thanks to each and everyone.

Happy Hunting

Amanuensis Monday-Revolutionary War Pension Application for Daniel Jackson

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. From The National Standard Encyclopedia

Amanuensis Monday was started on the Transylvanian Dutch Blog. This link will take you to the page concerning Amanuensis and why one should transcribe the records !

State of Ohio Knox County

on this twenty fifth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eighty hundred and thirty two Personally appeared in the open court before Judges of the court of common pleas for said County now setting Danial [sic] Jackson a resident of Franklin Township, in the County of Knox and State of Ohio aged Seventy nine years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in orders to obtain the benefit of the act of congress passed June 7th 1832
That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named officers and served as here in stated that is to say he the said Danial [sic] Jackson doth declare that he was born according to the best information he has been able to procure on the subject in Morris County in the State of New Jersey on the 26th day of December AD 1753-entered the Service as a volunteer in June AD 1776 under Col Jacob Forde [,] Capt Josiah Hall [,] Lieutenant David Broadwall resided when he entered the Service in Hanover Township, Morris County and State of New Jersey marched to Newark New Jersey and from there was detached from the army and ordered to assist in making a Cheveux de freeze* [sic] to place across the Hudson River at which he continued for until the first of October same year at which time he was marched into the line again and continued to serve until the last of January 1777- and then by a publick [sic] arrangement requiring every able bodied man militia man to serve half the time, he served to the best of his recollection through months of March, May, and July, as a guard on the Jersey Shore between Newark and Brunswick and then on arrangement was made forming what was called minute men in which capacity he served repeated short tours of duty the first three tours when the enemy made attempts to destroy the stores at Morristown and was in the Battle of Springfield.  The 4th tour marches on through Pumpton**  plains [sic] to Smith Clove*** [sic] in the State of New York in pursuit of Tories and robbers on the 5th tour marched to assist the army at the Battle of Monmouth on the 6th tour pursued a party of the enemy near to a place on Hackinsac  [sic] river in Bergen County- averaging two weeks in each tour making three months in short tours- making in all thirteen months- was under the command of [,] Colonels Wm Winds [,] Benoni Hathaway [,] John Munson [,] Jacob Drake and Spencer at different times- and captains [,]Josiah Hall [,] James Ward [,] Moses Munson [,] Job Allan, Stephen Jackson, Ezekial [last name unreadable] Commanded at different times- was acquainted with Genls Washington and Wayne-He also states he has no documentary evidence of his service and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service except Benjamin Jackson

He hereby relinquished every claim expect the present to a pension or an annuity and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any staff.

Daniel  Jackson
Sworn to and subscribes this day and year aforesaid
Alex. Elliott Clk

We Thomas Regdon a clergyman residing in the County of Knox and State of Ohio and Benjamin Stackhouse residing in the county and state aforesaid. hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Danial  [sic] Jackson who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be seventy nine years of age, that he is reputed and believed, in the neighborhood whare  [sic]  he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn  to subscribed this day and year aforesaid

Alex Elliot Clk
Thomas Regdon
Benjamin Stackhous

Daniel Jackson is my 5th great grandfather, on the paternal side of my tree. Daniel is my husbands 5th and 6th great granduncle. Small, small world ! File part of the documentation on Daniel Jackson found at the National Archives.

*cheveux de frise
**perhaps Pompton Plains NJ
***perhaps Smith Cove NY

Amanuensis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919/Part 3/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

  1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919

written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson

Chronology Continued

Fifth Pastor-Rev. James Harrison

 The same fall-1836-Rev. Harrison held a series of meetings, with many additions, amoung them who later became the second Gospel Minister sent out by the Dresden Church. He preached for some year in the Presbyterian Church and later in the Episcopal Church.

In 1842 the First Choir of Dresden was organized-a most important event. God wants the best music for his service. Rev. Harrison owned his own house, later the Dr. B.F. Lemert home, and there, under the leadership of a Mr. Stone and through his supervision, the music became of a very superior order and has so continued these seventy-six years, or ever since. Two public concerts were given by this Choir for Mr. Stone’s benefit. Mr. Stone later taught music in the city of Wheeling W. VA.

Mr. William Armstrong, a master muscian of Cumberland Md., later trained the choir. We hear now the echoes of some of the voices of that choir; Mrs. Margaret Bailey, a sweet alto to early translated to the heavenly choir, who left children to take her place there and elsewhere later; Mrs. Wm. Armstrong*, saprano, all her life; Mrs. Amelia Ingalls Wallace; Mrs. Matlida Ingalls Cary; Messrs. James Wallace, Alfred Barson, and Patterson Hirst. Mr. Armstrong taught classes of the young people music. He was gentle, sweet-spirited man whom we all loved, and who was full of harmony. He was uncle to Miss Jennie Bailey and sisters, and Mrs. Margaret Bailey was their dear mother.

* note written in magrins of the pamplet, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong became Mrs. Wm. Leggett? Looks to be the hand of either D.M. Ogilvie or Adela Ruth Ogilvie(Ruth O. McCartney),

After Mr. Armstrong’s death Mr. Patterson Hirst was choir leader. He also had singing schools which were popular. Mr. Hirst went to war and later became Harry Shore and Samuel Spencer. All praise and honor should be given to these fine leaders, past and present, and to our always most effiecent choir.

Rev. Harrison spent ten years of arduous labor here from 1836 to 1846. Mrs. Harrison was a very hospitable hostess and a good wife and mother. God blessed his work and now there were eighty-nine members enrolled.

 Sixth Pastor-Rev. S.P. Hildreth


Rev. Hildreth began his minstry of nearly a quarter of a century soon after Rev. Harrison left. He, too, owned his own house; later John Alloway’s home just across from the Church, where he lived unto it seemed neccessary to remove to the Munro home, to be with Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Hildreth’s mother, four miles up teh Muskingum. Through the winter’s storms, high river and dark nights, Rev. Hildreth never failed to come down for the Wednesday evening prayer meeting and “the monthly Monday Concert of prayer for the Heathen, which will be held in this house on tomorrow evening.” as he always gave the announcement on the first Sabbath of each month. There was a special collection taken these first Mondays for Missions, to which he always gave a greenback, after a topical lecture on the Month’s Mission Field.

There are a variety of gifts. Paul, Peter and John each had their special talents. Today is is so, and it is well. Some are good pastors, visit the poor and needy and draw the outsider, are what is called a “good mixer.” Others are wonderful expostors of God’s Word and the hearer grow stronger, mentally and spiritually. Rev. Hildreth which is now forever banished. Three distilleries and their natural fruit-age of woe, then existed here. Vanished forever and also toe one that sprang up later, to the joy of all good men and of many a good and suffering women. Thank God for war prohibition and may He make us sing the Halleluliah Chorus all over the land in November.

When God took Rev. Heldreth the town mourned. During his funeral the business houses of saint and sinner, large and small, were all closed. He sleeps here, with his loving and beloved people and will rise again among them.

In June, 1847, the First Sewing Society of Dresden was organized by Mrs. Maria Force of Hagerstown, Md., a devoted member of our Church. They owned the house opposite the M.E. Church, where Mr. Rambo afterwords built another and lived and where Mrs. Rambo, another elect lady. labored for the W.C.T.U., Church, Missions and Sabbath School, assited by “Mira,” very faithfully. The purpose of Mrs. Force, in organizing this Sewing Society, was to raise funds to obtain a Church bell.

The movement was a great success. On Thanksgiving day the bell, weighing 600 pounds, was received from Cincinnati. July 4, 1850, was an auspicious day. The first Church bell of Dresden was rung. We don’t know why they wait from November to July. Perhaps, because the women could not hang it. But they could prepare a big , fine dinner for town and give the proceeds for bell and Church ever given in Dresden. So this Presbyterian Church bell, July 4, 1850, sounded the gospel message, first rung in Dresden,”Come, Come, Come,” and it has been calling “Come” ever since. It could be heard seven miles. Its tones are music to our ears and we used to imagine it call extended beyond the Mississippi and across the prairies. Five days later, July 9, 1850, this bell was tolled half a day in sorrow, from a telegram announcing the death of our Hero President, General Zachary Taylor, of the War of 1812, He died from over-exertion celebrating the 4th.

In 1848 there was a Commitee elected for the repairing of the Church, consisting of John N. Ingalls, Alfred Barson and Patterson Hirst. A new roof and a new front were added with four beautiful Corinthian columns. The ladies, too, were indefatigable and they sent to Philadelphia for a carpet and to New York for paper with the Corinthian columns. Then the new spire was seventy-five feet high and there were also new inside shutters as well as new windows. The cost amounted to $1,300 or nearly as much as the cost of the Church at first. The hearts of the people were in the work. It was said to be, then, the most tasteful Church in the Presbytery of Zanesville. A great revival followed this beautifying the House of God.

In 1852 the First Pipe Organ ever in Dresden was installed in our Church. We always had had fine music and good instruments, but now! We wondered if David’s Choir “of singing men and singing women,” which could be heard from Jerusalem to Jericho-twenty miles-was superior to ours.

This choir was trained and led by the spledid musician, William Armstrong, before mentioned, till he died. For a time the organist was Prof. Lihnethal (later of Zanesville). When he played his preludes, interludes and postludes, we forgot everything but-the Heavenly Harmony. Then Mr. James Wallace became organist. He went to Iowa. Other organist were John White Jr., and Miss Lizzie Gilbert-all good.

In 1880 the Church was again remodeled-new pews, floor, pulpit, windows. This treasure of ours was taken down and stored in the George Lemert and Johnson warehouse. The store and warehouse were about where Eschmans’s Hall now is. A fire occurred and nearly the whole block went up in smoke, and with it our pipe organ. Cabinet organs and pianos did not satisfy us. Our sorrow at this loss was not assuaged until, through the good offices of our forever beloved pastor, Dr. Macleod, we replaced our pipe organ.

Good music is a great power and is a part of heaven’s joys according to the Bible. We are thankful today for our good and faithful organists, Mrs. Spencer and Miss Mary Stump and our excellent choir which hleps us all to worship better.

Civil War
The Civil War came in ’61-’65 and many of our people marched away following the country’s calls, among them the choir leader, Patterson Hirst. There was also John Bainter, who never missed prayer meeting, and John Poorman, good soldiers. John Bainter gave his life at Murfreesboro. Some were prisoners; all shortened their days for their country. There were too many to enumerate. WE know of one veteran who wore the blud on the church rool, faithful to the flag and faithful to the Church-Thomas Ulrick. Dwight Kain, George Lemert and Dr. Dorsey passed away a few years ago. The anthem of the Civil War was written by women. Sweetly she said:

“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,With the glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

He died to make men holy-they died to make man free.”

We’ll never forget Julia Ward Howe.

Seventh Pastor-Rev. Charles Merwin


Rev. Charles Merwin became our seventh Pastor. He was a very scholarly gentleman and close student and good preacher. Mrs. Merwin was an able assistant. He remained only one year and then accepted a call to a larger field.

Eighth Pastor-Rev. W. F. Millikan


Rev. W.F. Millikan began his labors here in 1872. He was a very quiet, dignified, faithful minister. His services were greatly apprecaited. Mrs. Millikan was a fine linguist and a fine Greek scholar as well as Latin and English. She was also a botanist and well educated along different lines. She was a church worker too, though of feeble health. They labored faithrully for six years and then accepeted a call to Chili, New York.

Part 2 Part 4

Happy Hunting!

Amanuesnsis Monday-History of Dresden Presbyterian Church 1819-1919/Part 2/

Amanuensis Monday – An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. 

The following History will be presented in 6 parts each one being posted on Monday.  This is a History of the Presbyterian Church in Dresden Ohio as of 1919, that is in my possession.  My Great Grandfather was the Pastor of the Church when this piece was commissioned. I have pulled it from a earlier posting on my rootsweb family website. I hope that it brings information you can use or maybe an interesting read. Enjoy! There is more to Dresden then baskets 😀

 1819- Dresden Presbyterian Church History -1919
written by Mrs. T.M. (Mary Louise Cresap) Stevenson


 First Pastor-Rev. Prescott B. Smith(1819-1823)

Rev. Prescott B. Smith, the third member of the Presbyterial Commitee and noble Triumvirate, became our very first Pastor. He was a native of Vermont, was educated at Middlebury College, and ordained at Newark in 1818. He began preaching in 1818 soon after his ordination, lived in Irville. He so continued until his death in 1823, aged only twenty-nine.

Though only twenty-nine at his death, Rev. Prescott B. Smith was the Nestor of our Pastors. Some of our honored guests this evening are his grandchildren, viz., the familie of the late Mr. Horace Smith, of Adams Mills, faithful, active members of the Adams Mills Presbyterian Church. His works do follow him and his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are amoung us, a blessing today.

Charter Members

The Church records give the Charter members in the following order: Daniel Stillwell, Esq., Joseph F. Munro, John C. Stockton, Mrs Mary Smith, (wife of pastor), Mary Munro, (wife of J.F.), Mrs. Sohpie Cass, (wife of G.W.), Mrs. Mary Cass, (wife of Major Jonathan), and Rev. Hildreth adds Major Jonathan Cass. As Mrs. Munro was the daughter of Major Jonathan Cass, and Rev. and Mrs. Hildreth made their home with Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Hildreth’s mother, Rev. Hildreth’s testimony is accurate.

Major Jonathan Cass was the great-grandfather of Mrs. J.W.P. Ried, Zanesville; Miss Mary Munro, Granville; Mrs. Rhoda Dunmead, Newark; Mrs. Minnie Dunmead, of the Old Munro Home; former members of the Dresden chruch and now active Presbyterians in their home towns, with one exception, and we welcome them to this Centennial reunion as we look in their faces.

Mrs. Sophie Cass, wife of George W. Cass, another Charter member, is represented in Dresden today by the widow of Dr. Edward Cass and their two sons, Dr. Edward McDowell Cass and George Cass, both soldiers in the Great War. Dr. Edward attained the title of his ancestor, “Major” overseas, and George, a non-Com on this side.

Daniel Stillwell, Esq., was great-grandfather to the Scott families, of Adams Mills, as well as to the Horace Smith families, and wonder of wonders, Hamilton Scott’s daughter, great-great-grandaughter, is present tonight helping us to celebrate and to keep the ideas of Daniel Stillwell, Esq., in the Church active. The Scotts are also grandchildren of another of our Charter members, John C. Stockton. John F. Munro, the very first elder of this Church, and his wife, Mary G. Munro, both Charter members, were also represented by here Mrs. Ried, Miss Munro and Mrs. R. Drunmead, her grandchildren. Was ever a church so blessed?

Think of it! The descendants of every single one of the Founders of this Church gathered together to help celebrate its Centennial, and all still faithful workers in the Presbyterian Church. We heartily welcome you all to this, our “Home-coming.”

Second Pastor-Rev. James Parmele(1824-1825)

Rev. James Parmele surely had a vision of the future of our Church, for he arranged to preach in the town of Dresden. He obtained the town log school house located where the Union School Building now stands, and there held his preaching services. Rev. Parmele had faith in the increase and prosperity of the town and the Church must needs be in the center of the town and grow with it. He remains only a little over a year.

Third Pastor-Rev. Ebenezer Churchill(1825-1829)

Before the close of 1825 came the Rev. Ebenezer Churchill to care for our Zion. He ministered to the three Churches, Dresden, Adams Mills and Irville, where he lived, and gave each Church one-third of his time. He was a man of great energy, physically, mentally and spiritually. He frequently walked to his appointments, even all the way from Irville to Adams Mills, twelve miles.

The Church had then only one elder, Mr. Joseph F. Munro. There was always harmony in the session. At the suggestion of Rev. Churchill two more were added viz., Daniel Stillwell and John C. Stockton, by the choice of the congregation and session. Rev. Churchill labored with the Chruch from 1825 to 1829. During his pastorate there were received into the Church (1829) by examination, Mr. Gilbert Shaw, and Phoebe, the wife of William F. Compton, of Dresden. Received also, by letter, George Smith and his wife Polly. He also received into the Church by Baptism, three infants, viz., Henry Munro, son of J.F. and Mary G. Munro; Mary Selden, daughter of G.W. and Sophie Cass; and Samuel Shaw, son of Gilbert and Phoebe Shaw.

Fourth Pastor-Rev. John Pitkin(1829-1836)

Very soon after the departure of Rev. Churchill, Rev. John Pitkin began his labors with the Dresden Church. By this time the school house was brick and was built on the mound in what is now the Cemetery. That sounds strange, but then it was not “Gods Acre.” That was then east of the canal bridge as you go down to Old Town. When the canal was dug the cemetery was removed to its present location and the school house was returned to its former and present situation.

Rev. Pitkin was a graduate of the Ohio University at Athens, (then under Presbyterian supervision). Mrs. Pitkin was a daughter of President Wilson of that University. For a while Rev. Pitkin lived in Irville. Very soon he came back to Dresden and built a house of his own. We are glad to know that house still stands. It was the former residence of Mrs. Michael Carter, was from Main Stree back to the alley and new house errected on the site where Mr. Joshua Stump now lives, and Rev. Pitkin’s house is Mr. Stump’s garage. Another Presbyterian minister lived in Rev. Pitkin’s house, viz., Rev. William Wallace. He and his eldest son had the Dresden paper. His second son, James Wallace, was a musician and a jeweler, and he married Miss Amelia Ingalls, daughter of Major J.N. Ingalls, one of the ruling elder of our Church. Rev. Wallace has also a little daughter, Amelia, and a little son, Chalmers. Amelia later married Joames White, who was principle of the high school when the Stevenson brother, Thos. M. and Robert W., his successor, were superintendents. James White is now D. D., and their son is now a successful pastor in Ohio, both in the United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Wallace lived and died in Rev. Pitkin’s house. It was a good house of seven rooms, five below and a center hall, and two above.

Mrs. Pitkin deserves special attention. She had ideals and carried them out. She organized the First Female Prayer Meeting in Dresden, which met at her home. Then she had a vison of the Church of the future and organized the First Sabbath School ever held in Dresden and conducted it regulary, every Sabbath, in her own home. She had no helpers at first. What ever did she do with the restless little ones? How did she teach the adults at the same time? The Female Prayer Meeting soon developed worker to assist her. From that Sabbath School in 1829 to 1919-these ninety years-the Presbyterian Chruch has kept up faithfully its Sabbath School, though started by a woman.

One out come of Mrs. Pitkin’s Sabbath School was that of Ainlab S. Armenia, gathered together by Mrs. Josephine Lemert Coffing and her husband, Rev. Jackson Coffing. It was then-1860-the largest Sabbath School in the world and numbered 1600. Mrs. Pitkin has had efficient, untiring successors as Sabbath School Superintendents ever since, down to the present incumbent, S.F. Spencer.

When Rev. Hilderth was pastor the Catechism and Bible verse were recited. Elmira Rambo led with 963 verses and the School recited 1496 texts, in one month. Miss Rambo later became a faithful teacher, and though unable to hear the sermon, was always in her place in Church, and said Dr. Macleod , an inspiration to him as pastor, faithful till called up higher. Today the Christian word studies the same lesson. Is not this an answer to Christ’s prayer?-“That they may be one.” Never before were so many adults in the Sabbath School, but we can only say, “all were faithful workers and we are thankful for them.”

The Church was growing steadily. Rev. Pitkin so inspired the people that they began to talk of a Church Building. This culminated in a meeting of the Session at one o’clock, December 1, 1833. It was resolved “That a subscription paper be opened for the purpose of construction a Presbyterian Meeting House in the town of Dresden.” Later, September10, 1835, John C. Stockton, one of the ruling elders, was appointed to solicit and recieve donation for the Building of this “Meeting House.”

In 1835 Rev. James Harrison took charge of the Church of Irville. Rev. Pitkin was still pastor in Dresden and that winter-1835-Rev. Harrions assisted him in a series of meetings. Many were added to this Church. In the spring of 1836 Rev. Pitkin had another revival. There are among those names that will interest some of you, viz., Laban Lemert and Lucy Ann, his wife; Mrs. Webb; Mrs Alloways; Mrs. Caroline Brice; Mrs. Catherine Wolf; Miss Julia Stockton; Frances B. Stockton; and Archibald Blackburn Brice, who later became D.D., the first Minister of the Gospel sent out from the Dresden Presbyterian Church. He studied at Meadville College and was some years ago the consecrated Pastor of the Nelsonville Presbyterian Church of Athens Presbytery.

An interesting Sessions Record occured April 27, 1833, which throw light upon the Presbytery to which we belonged. We quote: “On motion, Resolved, That this Session apply to the Lancaster Presbytery, in this State, for a continuance of the yearly sum, heretofore allowed, to the Rev. John Pitkin by the Assembly Board of Missions; his places of preaching to be designated as Dresden, Muskingum, Stillwell and Wachatomaka Settlement.” ” Also, on motion, Resolved, That this Session apply to the Lancaster Presbytery for the ministeral labors of Rev. John Pitkin as ‘Stated Supply’ form that first of May, (this was April 27), for one year for half his time.”(Church growing before we only had one -third)

Following this action was another revival and increase in membership. The Rev. Pitkin enthused the people to “rise up speedily and build.” In May, 1836, the Building Committee for the Presbyterian Church of Dresden was appointed. God’s House is so dear to us we would remember these names.

Building Committee for the Presbyterian Church of Dresden: Laban Lemert, George W. Cass, W.W. Brice, Thomsa M. Barson, and Dr. A.H. Brown.

The building was begun in 1836 and by the summer of 1837 it was finished with rough seats for temporary use. In the spring of 1838 it was completed, at a cost of $1,500, and God’s people rejoiced.

Rev. Pitkin had resigned his pulpit in the late spring of 1836, after faithful, notable service of seven years. His departure was much regretted by all. Then the Church called one they already knew and loved for our Fifth Pastor.

Part 1 Part 3

Happy Hunting

Family History Friday/ Silas Jackson b.15 Jun 1781 Morris Co NJ

It seems as this is New Jersey home-coming week. Last Friday we celebrated the birthday of my grandfather David C. Terrill’s birthday. His lineage came out of  Elizabethtown, Essex, NJ.  One line is my fathers and the other my mothers. I have not yet found a cousin connect yet , but I surely would not be surprised! I have already found a connection between my father and my husband, through the Jackson family. Silas’ Aunt Elizabeth is one of Jim’s grandmothers (9 and 10 times if I recall right).

Silas Jackson is the son of Daniel Jackson and Jemima Benjamin. He is the second Silas born to this couple. The first Silas only living 8 months before perishing.

Silas was born on 15 June 1781 in Morris County, New Jersey he married first Jane (Unknown), some have cited that this Jane,  is  Jane McHenry, it is quiet possible as these two families were fairly close in proximity in Columbia County Pennsylvania. Jane is found buried next to Silas at  Coles Creek cemetery  / St. Gabriel’s Church Benton Columbia County Pennsylvania. The inscription on the stone reads as follows:

Jackson Silas September 9, 1864 83 Years 2 Months 24 Days
Jane March 11, 1805 23 Years His Wife
Martha L.(this initial is disputed) June 4, 1815 3 Years Daughter of Silas and Mary Jackson
Jemima February 1830 75 Years Wife of Daniel Jackson (Silas’ mother)

Silas’ second wife was Mary Polly Peterman daughter of James and Elizabeth Bartleson Peterman of Philadelphia, PA. She was born 4 Sep 1789 in Philadelphia, PA.

Silas’ Uncle Benjamin removed to Knox Co. Ohio with the Allen family about 1813. I am not sure if Silas was among the troop but I do know that at some point he did remove to Knox, Co., Ohio as we find Mary’s death date and place as 8 Nov 1863 Holmes County Ohio. They were the parents of twelve children, eight of which lived to adulthood. Their daughter Jemima Jackson who married Samuel Craig McCartney are my third great grandparents making Silas and Mary Polly my fourth great grandparents.

I am not sure how Silas ended up back in Pennsylvania.  I do know that the cause of death was drowning, and I have seen it noted that he drowned in Fishing Creek. He died on 9 Sep 1864 Sugarloaf Twp., Columbia Co., PA. I am going to guess that he went back to live with one of his children and the rest of the Jackson family and friends that had been left when Silas and Mary moved on to Ohio.

Happy Birthday Grandpa 😀


Happy Hunting!